Note the complex optical scheme. This lens is not a “lens cap” or a “toy lens” by any means. Yes, it’s plastic, very thin, and lightweight. It has a fixed f/8 aperture and a very interesting and well-engineered lever focusing system that also makes a lens protection lid. Results are very interesting, with stunning colors and more than expected sharpness. It’s only 160 degrees, but it covers the full sensor and it ends up being extraordinarily fun to use.

- https://www.opticallimits.com/m43/882-oly9f8fisheye
- https://www.ephotozine.com/article/olympus-9mm-f-8-fisheye-body-cap-lens-review-24325
- http://m43photo.blogspot.com/2014/06/olympus-9mm-f8-fisheye-review.html