Another rare “All Sky Camera”, drawing a 180° image on film plate. It’s dated around 1935 and was produced by AEG Berlin As Marco Cavina says it’s the father of Nikon Cloud Camera 16.3mm and all contemporary fisheyes.
The beautyful main image is by Dr. Milos Maldek.

The largest amount of info about this lens, along with its importance in history of optics is coming from the research work of Marco Cavina, please read the articles below.
A super mini website about it:
Can you help me?
This entry is incomplete. I’m looking for good pictures, both iconic on white background (front, top, side, angled) and “real life” ones. More important I’m looking for correct information supported by facts, proof, articles. I’m also looking for manuals, flyers, catalogs, etc. I can use it as a reference or I can share it here. Credits will be given.
Images and credits
Many of the images I use here are found on the web, on auction sites, etc. I always try to track down the authors, ask permission and give them proper credits. Sometimes It is not possible, due to more than 22 years of research, so, if you recognize your pictures please contact me, I’ll be more than happy to give proper credits or take it down if you prefer.